I have to keep my fans up to date don't I? ;)
Well, I decided I am going to stay in Hong Kong. I will arrive there on december 11 in the evening (local time) and I found a hostel which has airport pickup service. Great after a night on the plane!! On december 12 I will continue to NZ.
The only thing I am 'worried' about is that my flight is via London Heathrow and they just announced a new rule. Not only when you fly to USA, but also Asia, Australia and New Zealand: no hand luggage allowed! Except for the necessary things like ticket, passport, money (in a plastic transparant bag). No book, no mp3 player, no camera, no nothing on a 11 or 12 hour during flight.... that sucks! Hope it will be over in 3 months ...
Last monday and tuesday I worked at Ish Institute in Amsterdam. It was fun but also a little frustrating. On monday I wasn't able to capture the material we were supposed to work with because the camera (one with those small dvd's for recording) didn't have the possibility to connect to the computer! The 2nd day I had it all captured (took half a night) on a borrowed external harddisk but there was no space to copy it to the harddisk of the Ish-computer... But I got to meet Marco, Junadry, Lynn, Enigma and Liam (from the Virtualish project) again!
Wednesday I started my job at Bever and I realised I really like doing something else for a while. My colleagues are extremely nice and I enjoy working with them. Today we had lots of Jupiler beer after work :)
That's all for now! Take care and until the next post!