go anywhere


Kerosine Creek

This is just one of those pictures to make everybody jealous ;)
The water is HOT, so even though it's autumn: it's awesome! And even better: it's free! So you don't have to spend all your money on entrance fees to the spa's and thermal hot pools in Rotorua itself, just go Kerosine Creek, 25 km towards Taupo. (You do need a car though, or meet a German coz they usually have cars ;))


Rotorua it is

Ok. I was supposed to go to the Coromandel last sunday, but the day before I was gonna go I got an email that there all of a sudden wasn't any work for me! So. I found a job in Rotorua, and as I seem to be doomed to fruitpick, I am working between the feijoa's!! But hey, at least I'm in Rotorua! With its nice smell, heaps of naturally heated spa's (even free ones in the park) and loads of too expensive Maori sightseeing stuff!

Last monday evening I went to the pools in Hamilton. I was almost done doing my 1,5 km when the fire alarm went off! So, everybody out! There I was, standing outside in the rain with nothing on but togs... Fortunately it wasn't a big fire and after 15 minutes we could go back inside again. The water was really warm after that...