go anywhere


Look what they did to me!!

And they lost .... Germany is not going to Berlin... I am going there though! On the way from Prague to Holland.

So yeah, they got me German flags all over me, but I think it's a nice picture of Uli and me. We met in 2000, both on a highschool year in the UK. The mother of her hostfamily is the daughter of the people I was living with.

Today was faaaar too hot again, but das Gewitter ist gekommen and now it is a lot cooler :)
We are going to eat somewhere in town, and have a cocktail. Or maybe we'll end up in some 'biergarten'. Tomorrow I am off to Switzerland. First I travel to Basel (4,5 hours!), than Zürich and finally Winterthur.

Bye for now!


  • Hey, here is your mam. This is as a surpriseparty for me. Well done girl!

    By Anonymous Anoniem, at 5:30 p.m.  

  • hallo, nou dacht ik toch dat je er al weer wat bij had geschreven nadat ik je sms ontvangen had. Was juist op mijn extra rit selectvracht; die sms was dus een leuke afleiding. Vanavond, op de terugweg van AH, kreeg ik de 1e blaastest in m'n leven. Ik zei: had ik nou die fles wijn maar niet leeggemaakt. De agente had 'm eerder gehoord, dus no comments, aaarg. Seppen zat ernaast en had een wit gezicht, hahahaha. Tot gauw! PS Jogchum belde vanavond maar ik had de telefoon niet aangenomen en zei dat paps maar moest zeggen dat je pas in augustus weer bereikbaar bent. Tsjongejonge, wist ik veel.
    Much love!

    By Anonymous Anoniem, at 12:22 a.m.  

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