go anywhere


Waitomo Caves: The pictures!!!

Think back. This is way before I went to Bay of Islands, way before I worked at National Park, this is even before I went back to Wellington to visit my family for the 2nd time. So, must be june or beginning of july that I went abseiling, rafting and rockclimbing in the Waitomo Caves! Well, I just got the pictures from my friend in California, so I just thought I'd put these online! At the moment I am part of the Auckland life, basically just working and saving up, so not much going on really (except for the crewnights, pizza's and beers)! Enjoy!

Still smiling: I'm about to abseil 27 m. Obviously I survived. If you only knew how small the hole was... I don't know, do I look relieved?

Haha, I just had to put this one on